The Enneagram is a personality tool that focuses on 9 personality types and how they view the world. Unlike other personality tools (Myers Briggs or DISC, etc), the Enneagram is unique in that it helps us discover the “why” behind the what. Other tools describe behaviors, whereas the Enneagram helps us uncover our motivations which can lead to the unhealthy behaviors we use to navigate our lives. Once we can identify those behaviors, transformation can begin. Using such a tool with a gospel centered approach allows us to rely on the Holy Spirit for transformation and not just our own self will.

  • My friend Amy Wicks has a quick explanation and test to get you started. Click here.

  • Testing is quick and painless. Visit this website, listen to the instructional video, and take the test. You’ll get results instantly!

  • Online tests are just a starting point. Schedule a chat or choose a Typing Session in the packages, and I can put you on the right path towards finding your type.